功率: 5.5KW
控制系统: 众泰克一体机系统
控制方式: 90度旋转V型开槽
报价: 108000.00元/台
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2020-08-05 10:45
浏览次数: 620
手机号: 18002796171
电话: 0769-81878981
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机型解读Model interpretation

Mkd-1325-P系列设备是一款重型聚氨酯抛光皮V型锯片开槽设备,锯片开槽机是专业针对聚氨酯抛光皮V型开槽专业设计,高速度,高品质,高性价比,空程速度最高可达15m/min,加工速度最高可达10米/分,适用于聚氨酯开槽机 抛光皮V型开槽机 聚氨酯抛光皮开槽机 玻璃磨片开槽机!X、Z轴配有防尘罩设计,优先防止在加工过程中水、粉尘、杂物等飞溅到轨道和其他传动件上,以免生锈和人员撞伤。

Mkd-1325-P series e is a heavy polyurethane polishing leather V sawing e. The sawing machine is specialized in the professional design of V slotting of polyurethane polishing skin. High speed, high , high performance price ratio, the highest speed of air distance can reach 15m/min, the maximum processing speed can reach 10 meters per cent, suitable for polyurethane slotting machine polishing skin. V type slotting machine polyurethane polishing skin grooving machine glass grooving slotting machine! X, Z shaft is e with dust cover design, and the priority is to prevent the splashing of water, dust and sundries to track and other transmission parts in the process of processing, so as to avoid rust and personnel bruising.

性能特点Performance features

1. 钢架焊接震动时效及热处理加硬,经CNC平整加工,确保机床刚性耐;

The steel frame is welded with vibration aging and heat treatment hardening, which is processed by CNC flat to ensure rigidity, durability and non-deformation of the machine tool

2. 进口高精度导轨、齿条,原厂驱动及电机,机器运行稳定、速度快、工作噪音小;

Imported high-precision guide rail and rack, original factory drive and motor, stable operation, fast speed and low working noise

3. 采用品牌电器元器件、高柔性屏蔽拖链电缆线,使其抗干扰能力强、故障率极低。

use brand electrical components and high flexible shielded drag chain cable to make it strong anti-interference ability and low failure rate.

适用行业Apply to industry


Stone engraving machine is widely used in stone carving, stone relief, ceramic tile engraving, tile background wall, stone background wall, curtain wall, tombstone, stele, stone art processing, etc.

技术参数Technical parameters

设备型号 E model MKD-1325-P

工作行程(X、Y、Z) Work schedule (X, Y, Z) mm

平台尺寸 Platform size 1300*2600mm

空程速度 Idle speed 15000mm/min

加工速度 Processing speed 8000mm/min

主轴转速 Spindle speed 24000rpm

主轴功率 Spindle power 5.5KW

重复定位精度 Repeated positioning accuracy 0.025(300mm)

加工精度 The machining accuracy 0.08(300mm)

出力轴 The output shaft 台湾台达伺服电机


Sportsconfiguration (gantry movement)


X, Y high precision helical teeth, 

Taiwan HIWIN(PMI) 25 guide linear


Z Taiwan TBI ball screw, 

TaiwanHIWIN(PMI) 25 guide linear

工作电源 Working power supply AC-220V/380V5% 50~60Hz

整机重量 whole machine weight 2500KG

外形尺寸 Overall dimensions 3000*2250*1680

  • 地址:大岭山镇沿河东街49号
  • 电话:0769-81878981
  • 邮件:542999104@qq.com
  • 手机:18002796171
  • 传真:0769-81878981
  • 联系人:温经理